GKP Update 11 (Buy)

There’s  a tightening of news from GKP at the moment. Normal market  price fluctuations due to a lack of news are the order of the day in the City! I can’t understand why some PI’s panic and hurl abuse at each other this company are made investors need to take a longer view on their stock other than day-trading.

NO institution has sold ANY of its holding, Directors have upped their holdings, as have many big Private Investors. At a pound a tickle this sp is a give away 

With over 5 billion minimum OIP probabley firming up to over 10 billion over the next 6months. Where’s the problem? GKP are going to be taken over there’s nothing more certain (other than a  Labour defeat at next years General Election!)You can bet your last pound on this company I AM 99% certain that GKP are involved in takeover machinations Kozel is a master of subterfuge and knows how to play the market. Institutions are as we speak falling over themselves for a stake in GKP. Hunt oil have been active vis-a-vis GKP; attempting to evaluate the Shaikain1 discovery and may very well already have a small stake in them. French whisperings continue to do the rounds; as well as many others. I spoke to a trader yesterday over lunch==== “At the moment Dan GKP have a hole in Kurdistan with billions of OIP.  The sp has multiplied many many times during the biggest recession since the Great Depression, what does that tell you?” I think that sums up GKP.

Hold your stock. News is on it’s way.


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No Responses

  1. Timmy Tyler says:

    Thanks for that Dan

    I completely agree with your thoughts. I’m in for the long term.

    It’s a bit worrying when after all the points you’ve highlighted, that just because there is “no news” – the share price falls into oblivion!

    Very odd!!

    Anyway – thanks for the updates as ever


    • Diamondbob says:

      Been a bit busy boarding up my windows, but you are correct in questioning the way this share behaves.

      Best thing to do with it is trade the spikes, you’ll never even get a sniff at the top if you use the Halifax like I do, but you can catch it on the way down. In this for 40k so getting stuffed at the mo, but it moves on rumour and I hope the next one isn’t too far away. !

      Good luck

      diamond bob

  2. SirF says:

    ‘ managing shareholders expectations ‘

    Ever heard of over-managing?

  3. randalf says:

    from one perspective (my bank managers actually) I want a quick T/O at £5+

    my investing head wants GKP to stay under a quid until Vatakoula gets past 4p so I can increase my holding.

    ah the fun and games of investing

  4. Dave says:

    Dan. Did you not have it as a BUY?

  5. Jay053 says:

    Dan is there an ‘RNS Alert’ On this stock?
    There was one before and you was able to state that fact,,,,, so surely you could mention it when the next is due!!!

    Thankyou for the previous tips and inside info,,, Im still not sure about how genuine you are,,I cant help that, cant trust many people these days! sometimes it seems things you say are just good educated guesses,, another RNS alert would without a doubt get my full confidence and im sure it would get more from fellow Pi’s

  6. steve says:

    Thanks so much for your update, many investors panic after any slight fall. I have given up on some of the threads with the constant abuse they throw at each other, makes it impossible to take them serious. Will we get news soon ie before Christmas in your opinion and what area will it cover ie bid, oil in place or sell off of assets
    take care


  7. greenroom78 says:

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for the RNS tip offs – very useful. Also good reading your updates. You mention Hunt Oil in this latest post, just wondering if you see them as a likely candidate to buy out GKP? Having looked on their website, they are already exploring in Kurdistan and maybe they would see Shaikan and the remaining blocks as a nice addition? Either that could they be a possible candidate to fund the production at S-1?

    Keep us all posted.
    Thanks G78

  8. aj says:

    Many thanks Dan and a very interesting update and its strange I was just thinking about Hunt Oil earlier today. This share gets evermore interesting and to think there are some silly sods almost giving their shares away, madness utter madness. This is a massive buy imo and patience will win the day!

  9. aj says:

    Hi Dan,
    have you heard anything regarding Songbird Estates it appears either Qatar Holding LLC or Fullbloom Investment Corporation, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Investment Corporation maybe attempting to make a move / takeover.


    Many thanks in advance.


  10. floydy says:

    Thanks for interesting update….having looked at Hunt this evening they certainyl fit like a glove! Keep up the great website!


    “Hunt seeks acquisition opportunities involving quality producing properties with significant exploration upside in the form of entire companies or packages of assets. While Hunt typically acts independently on an acquisition, it is open to participating as a partner or as part of an acquisition consortium”

  11. burghy says:

    Do the French rumours involve GDF Suez and the Algerian assets?

  12. berkshireKnight says:

    Tks for the latest update on GKP and the comments regarding Hunt are most interesting. Regarding ‘normal market price fluctuations’ do you not think the SP behaviour of this stock in the last 2 months is completely abnormal given the vast amount of good news that has been issued. True 5 months ago or so it was trading at whatever 20p but since it hit the £1 mark it has stagnated regardless of good news. What in your view will make this stock rise, short of a T/O.

    • Brokerman says:

      There seems to be a ceiling of apprx’ 130p on the stock at the moment. Points to remember There is a global recession on, Kurdistan is in Iraq and GKP have only drilled One well of the blocks they own. When you take a step back and look at GKP objectively it is a Major success story within the oil industry. There’s only two courses open for this company 1/Production 2/Takeover. My view based on my soundings are that a Takeover is much more likely.


    • Brokerman says:

      There are many drivers here re’ the sp. Increasing oil prices, production, 2nd drilling,DGA report,director buys, institutional holdings,merger,takeover, regional stability,algerian asset sale; any one of those will drive the sp forward if you have a multiple of them working together then the sp will rocket. Always remember that most stocks out of the FT250 are news /rumour lead, no news will always have a dampening of the sp.



      • berkshireKnight says:

        Thanks for your thoughts Dan, lets hope the next DGA report has some positive effect…..any whisper in the city when that might be

  13. Ned says:

    Keep up the great work Dan.

  14. Ned says:

    Hey Dan,

    I see that MickeyT21 is having a few digs at you again. The guy can’t be trusted he says he can’t open another email account due to his apparent lack of PC skills and then on another post states he runs 3 PC’s with 3 monitors and trades using level 2. Also he now actually thinks you picked up the Hunt Oil connection from a post he made on Monday night showing a link to a map with the blocks surrounding GKP.

    That guy cannot be trusted, he’s actually deramping the share this morning. He changes position when he’s trading depending on whether he’s in or out of the share. Anyway according to his drilling estimates the Shaikan 1 block is still being drilled. What a joke he is.

    Keep up the great work and don’t let the bugger grind you down.

    P.S I know why he got you banned you interfered with his trading of the share as all your messages were positive and gave assurance. Also he doesn’t like anyone else taking the lime light as of course he’s the oil king on that board.

    • Brokerman says:

      OK Ned. But on here we to tend to stick to discussing shares etc. Just ignore the ejit as you point out accordingly their still drilling based on this posters unfactual analysis.


  15. Ian says:


    Just wondering if there’s been an RNS alert triggered for GKP yet?

    Thanks mate.

  16. Robert O says:

    I would be grateful if you could sniff out anything on SONGBIRD ESTATES
    only there has been huge buying recently.I ve got a modest investment.
    I read somewhere that the QATARIS have it at the top of their xmas
    shopping list?
    great post on gkp, hard to fathom why people are selling,it would not make any
    sense when the share has not yet reached its full potential.

    good luck